Today I was looking for good wordpress plugins and found this site which highlights 5-10 wordpress plugins every month.
Google Charts
I’m not sure how I missed this one, but Google does a Google Charts project which is a collection of html5 friendly charts. I’m glad to see someone maintaining a project like this.
Design Inspiration!
Today I am re-introduced to some designer favorites for good UI. One is and the other is The page that got me started on this was a UI Design topic by awwards which I found during a morning peruse of the web.
Well Done Website
Today I stumbled across a really snazzy website. Once you go to it, scroll down slowly and watch what happens to their main image after a second. I love this kind of innovation!
VIM Shortcuts
If, like me, you’re only an occassional VIM user then you probably know that VIM comes with an outrageous amount of flexibility and is also loaded with shortcuts. You know these things about VIM, but have no clue on how to use the shortcuts and have no intention to figure them all out. Today I needed to yank (copy) 4 lines and had no idea how to. That’s where this handy list of VIM shortcuts comes in handy. I’ll be using that for some time now!
XMLReader & NSDictionary
When being introduced to any language, one of the trickest parts for me is getting xml in an e4-like fashion. The closest thing I have found is this code that captures XML as a NSDictionary. I use it all the time at work and have even made my own spin-off of it that cleans white space off the strings as needed (you can find out more in the link).
Dynamic Width UILabel Truncate With Ellipsis
This morning I found myself with a little IOS problem when I wanted to truncate a UILabel’s text to a dynamic width. Forunately I found an article online about how to do just that – see “Truncate a String and Append an Ellipsis, Respecting the Font Size” by John Muchow
ObjC + Xcode + ARC
I just stumbiled upon a great article about levereging ARC in your objective C applications. I’m doing ARC in a Cocoa Touch (iPad) app right now and it’s helped make a couple extra things clear.
Apple Push Notifications
I’ve been doing research about APNs lately which led me to investigate some PHP APNSs (Apple Push Notification Server). I found a promising PHP APNS with Easy APNS. Side note- They undoubtedly have SEO down pat for APNSs because they come up first every time.
Google Trends
Google trends is a great site to check out if your curious about trending topics. Whether you are curious about technology, fashion, stocks, celebrities, etc. It’s all there. In fact, it’s probably more fun if you just go not knowing what it’s about and just getting to learn the system – that’s what I did.