Today is MongoDB

I’m testing with MongoDB today and during my search to find out more about how to use MongoDB I found a neat little tool on the mongo website. It acts like a virtual environment to use mongodb, or you can type in “tutorial” and it gives you a tour of using mongo. Check it out.

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Fable Engine

This site belongs to a great designer I know so I decided to highlight his site in this section. Take a look at the Fable Engine and awe at the inspiration that comes from looking at his work.

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All Hope Is (not) Lost

I decided that Saturday was a good day to move my site from to I figured that I would just copy the files and viola, right? Wrong. I had a disastrous DB incident where what could go wrong, did go wrong. Essentially, I lost my website. I quickly inquired of my host if by chance they had nightly backups. It turns out they had several. Approximately six a day.

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Using Grep To Find a Snippet of Text

Some developers know how to use grep well, other’s don’t. I’m one of the developers that only knows the basics of grep. For example: if I want to search a folder of 20+ files for a specific string it can be very tedious. However, grep makes this part of life simpler by allowing you search for a string in all files in a folder. eg. grep -lir “search string” /home/myfolder/

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