Vida Lexus

I recently finished a project for Lexus which allows the name-brand to show off the luxurious c10 in english as well as in spanish! I landed this gig through one of my favorite agencies whom I worked with during a two week time-window (start to finish). If you want to find out more about this project, check it out in the portfolio section.

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IE, you sicken me.

Making my site “IE friendly” has reminded me how much I dislike IE. I was tempted to block IE6 users and just give them a pretty little message which asks them to switch to firefox, but I haven’t forgotten those helpless corporate computer networks! While IT sits back and surfs in style, the rest of the office is dealing with broken divs and old flash players. So, for the 1 and 1/2 office persons that stumble onto my site thanks to a google search, you’re welcome. I reserve my right to believe that one day IE6 will be banished to the curb.. on trash day.

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What A Geek

The scene: I’m standing with a friend at the 42nd street subway platform waiting for the 2/3. My buddy asks me if I know anything about GA. We’re not talking about Georgia here kids, we’re talking Genetic Algorithms. Shortly after that, he’s got my head spinning with ideas of travel and how to find the shortest journey involving x amount of cities. Two weeks later, I’ve taken the weekend to comprehend fitness functions, mutation and natural selection. The evidence can be seen here.

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Time To Get Creative!

After a small moment of quiet contemplation, I’ve decided to introduce a little area of my site I’d like to call the “Playground”. There isn’t a swing set yet, but perhaps I’ll make one! The playground will be dedicated to creative projects I make in my free time (what’s that?). I won’t be doing much documentation, but I’ll make sure all source code is there for the curious visitors. I’ll be putting the first item in there shortly so stay tuned.

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Get Skyped

Recently, I’ve been in the market for a new phone and wasn’t sure what I should get. As a somewhat trendy individual, I thought about the Iphone 3Gs because I really liked how well my gmail inbox synced with the Iphone 3G. After seeing the two year contract from AT&T, I became unimpressed with the carrier. While I was grudgingly pondering my options, I remembered that skype offers “land lines”. Fascinatingly enough you can call in, call out and even communicate via SMS. Nine dollars later, I’m an official skyper.My only word of advice is to get a good mic 😀

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Here’s a new feature..

In my attempt to make my site better, it’s aesthetically less pleasing than the last, but that’s not the point! The point is to prove that I can do things with technologies other than the streamline favorites (especially flash). This site is completely done with Drupal + CSS! right now I’m building the custom theme for it and as the custom theme continues to make progress I’ll feel better about using it.

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First Post

Hey folks. This is the first drupal post for my site. Having drupal as your portfolio site is a good idea.

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